
General Lecture Series


The Bachelor of Education in English Language Education Study Program, also known in Indonesian as Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PSPBI for short) is an undergraduate degree program at the English Department in the Faculty of Languages and Literature of Universitas Negeri (State University of) Makassar (also known as UNM).

PSPBI’s main campus is located in Parangtambung, a suburban area in the southern part of the city of Makassar, the capital city of the South Sulawesi Province in Indonesia.

PSPBI also manages a few cohorts on UNM’s campus in Parepare, an port city 154km to the north of Makassar.

Who will benefit from studying at PSPBI?

  • High school graduates or diploma holders who aim at becoming English teachers in public schools or tutors at private English language schools (so-called “English courses”).
  • Individuals who want to learn or improve their English skills to meet the requirements for a good command of English at workplaces.

What do PSPBI graduates obtain?

  • Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd.) degree, i.e. a Strata Satu (S1) or undergraduate qualification in English language education
  • Initial teacher education and training credentials for teaching English.
  • Academic qualification for postgraduate studies in the country or overseas.
  • Professional certification in specific areas of English language skills and/or services.

At PSPBI we pride ourselves on

Cultivating Excellence


PSPBI’s main campus in Parangtambung, Tamalate, Makassar:

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PSPBI’s regional campus in Bumi Harapan, Bacukiki Barat, Parepare:

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